The Inspire Philosophy: Transformations

In the nursery, we introduce, encourage and foster the idea of appreciating nature in all its forms. From the smallest of ants crawling across the grass, to the towering trees and birds in the sky. Children are naturally curious beings and learning about the world around us can be incredibly fascinating for them.

A butterfly was found in the garden of one of our families and it was brought in to be observed as a learning opportunity. In the morning, it was still wrapped up in it’s cocoon, waiting inside patiently to emerge. Throughout the day, the children continued to check in on it and suddenly it started to wiggle and shake.

All of a sudden, the cocoon opened up and there, the butterfly emerged! Seeing such a beautiful and intricate process occur before their very eyes can help children to understand the more complex aspects of nature. It can help to teach them patience, observation skills and the life cycles of the natural world.

Take the time to look around you, investigate your gardens and surroundings and open your eyes to the wonders around you! #theinspirephilosophy

As an eco nursery in Dubai who has been established in Jumeirah for the last 30 years, we are honored to welcome the next generation of students into the Kid’s Island Nursery in Jumeirah family and it is rewarding to hear parents say “I remember what it felt like when I experienced this at the nursery for the first time”. It is important to cherish your warm childhood memories and even more important to create new ones with your child.⁠⁠