The Inspire Philosophy: Pikler Triangles: Building Confidence ⛰️

You will see these wonderful wooden frames frequently on our page, but it's high time we take the time to explain what incredible learning tools the Pikler Triangles are.

The Pikler Triangle fosters ideals of building confidence, strength, and belief in children without crossing their boundaries and respecting the ones they set for themselves.

The Pikler Triangle was brought about by the Hungarian pediatrician, Dr. Emmi Pikler, over 100 years ago. They are used by young children from 6 months to 4-5 years old but can even be used straight from birth if you do it right!

The concept surrounding the triangles is that children will only attempt to do what they are physically capable of. So, in theory, you won't see a four-month-old scaling the frame and hopping over the peak!

The frame can be used to hang mobiles and other objects from the rungs for the youngest of infants to look at in wonder. When children begin to crawl and walk, those rungs will help pull them up to their feet.
From there, children will start to experiment with going up one rung and down again, until they get higher and higher as their confidence grows. And someday? They can pretend to climb the Himalayas and scale to the peak, only to hop over and descend on the other side triumphantly. #theinspirephilosophy

As an eco nursery in Dubai who has been established in Jumeirah for the last 30 years, we are honored to welcome the next generation of students into the Kid’s Island Nursery in Jumeirah family and it is rewarding to hear parents say “I remember what it felt like when I experienced this at the nursery for the first time”.  It is important to cherish your warm childhood memories and even more important to create new ones with your child.