The Inspire Philosophy: Storytelling ⁠

Stories is an integral part of every child’s life; whether it’s before bed when they’re snuggled up under the covers or beside their peers during circle time at nursery; stories enrich children’s lives in many ways.⁠

Stories help to ignite children’s imaginations and let their minds run free. Some feature talking animals, magic and fantasy galore, or on the other hand, we can sometimes learn more about our earth and our bodies. Some stories are good for bed time, some help us to move our bodies and show us how and other just make us laugh! ⁠

They also teach children important life lessons in digestible, simplified ways that speak to them. ⁠
For example, in the story pictures above, The Very Busy Spider doesn’t have time to play, eat or swim with the other animals. While this is perplexing to the other animals, all they have to do is take interest in what the spider is doing. At the end of her story, the owl acknowledges her beautiful web once she has finished as it sparkles in the moon light. It teaches children about farm animals, the activities they love to do and more, but most importantly, it highlights that sometimes it’s okay to do your own thing and be busy! ⁠

The concept of being an individual and following your own interests is a concept that children might struggle to grasp, but within the story, it is easy to understand. “The spider didn’t answer. She was very busy spinning her web.” ⁠

You may read the same story a thousand times and bore of the same words, characters and pictures; but children are learning the ways of the world and everything in it through the words and pictures in your hand. #theinspirephilosophy

As an eco nursery in Dubai who has been established in Jumeirah for the last 30 years, we are honored to welcome the next generation of students into the Kid’s Island Nursery in Jumeirah family and it is rewarding to hear parents say “I remember what it felt like when I experienced this at the nursery for the first time”. It is important to cherish your warm childhood memories and even more important to create new ones with your child.⁠⁠